- Created WordPress pages while maintaining over 90% scores on Google Lighthouse
- Implemented and maintained secure user authorization via AWS Cognito
- Optimized MySQL database tables while maintaining secure server queries
- Utilized Datatables to allow users to access over 1,000,000 rows from a table with seamless searching, sorting, and CRUD interfacing
Casa Beau Monde ↗ (opens in a new tab)
Casa Beau Monde
- Created and enhanced data capturing system for retailer investments
- Inherited and enhanced existing PostgreSQL database to collect client demographics for retailers
- Created Redis caching system to lower latency
- Created technical notes, Figma flow charts, and Standard Operating Procedures for future engineers
Casa Beau Monde ↗ (opens in a new tab)
Parenting on the Spectrum
- Created entire website for an Autism non-profit organization
- Created MongoDB models and server routes in Typescript
- Intergrated YouTube API to allow caregivers and children to click on their respective resource videos
- Initiated UI/UX with MUI, and achieved 74% accessibility with Google Lighthouse
Parenting on the Spectrum ↗ (opens in a new tab)
- Placed second for Waymo AI's sponsor challenge at ShellHacks Hackathon 2023
- Embedded Google Maps functionality via Google API
- Created Initial Google Maps zoom level for user radius input with React.js
- Created ordering functionality for an open source book sharing app.
- Created PostgreSQL schemas and filled tables with initial dummy data, allowing team members to test components with Jest
- Initiated Order/Borrow/Loaned functionality with scope refactoring to meet a 60% Jest app test coverage
- Increased user accessibility after function hoisting with Google Lighthouse from 50% to 85% ↗ (opens in a new tab)
Atelier API Design
- Transformed legacy ecommerce API into modern microservices architecture
- Enhanced PostgreSQL schemas to reduce DB query times from 30s. to 2-5ms.
- Established Redis caching to increase 1200 RPS to 3500 RPS with K6 testing locally
- Deployed 4 AWS EC2 servers and Nginx load balancer/caching to handle 1500 client requests per seconds on
- Analyzed New Relic data to remove server bottlenecks and decreased latency on deployed servers by 250 ms
- Create front end critical path functionality for a clothing app’s Product Overview section
- Created dynamic gallery scroll for clothing styles with a light/dark mode toggle
- Increased performance with Google Lighthouse and compression from 30% to 75% overall
- Raised Jest app coverage from 40% to 73% after eliminating cruft and implementing function hoisting
- Utilized PM2 and Page Speed Insights to increase AWS EC2 performance from 26% to 79%